Tag Archives: SciFi

These are stories of the future… (again)

EricSusch_These_are_stories_of_the_future_beautiful_cinematic_c_5db01eac-3117-4882-900e-a4fd057f2a01This is another variation on the vague prompt “These are stories of the future…”  It’s fun to see what the Midjourney AI does with these poetic prompts.  Is it a peek into the developing mind of a childlike machine that is still learning?

This vision looks like a more positive future than Midjourney’s previous version.  This is a berry and ice cream, cotton candy future.  And is that Princess Leia?

#Art I made with #Midjourney #AI

It’s a new world

EricSusch_modern_city_of_the_future_robots_walking_the_street_c_22004f0f-9961-408b-8162-62538b359d03 1Trying something more colorful this time on Midjourney.  I type this:

modern city of the future, robots walking the street, clean, colorful, cinematic, atmosphere, beautiful –ar 2:1

Amazing.  This is going to change everything in the art world.

#Art I made with #Midjourney #AI


Is Electronic Love to Blame?

Is Electronic Love to Blame?This piece was a marathon to create.  A perpetual artistic labor.  Unending.  Frustrating.  We had remodeled our kitchen and saved a space on the wall for an art piece, complete with it’s own special spotlight.  The kitchen had taken over a year to complete and this art piece had to live up to that.  It needed to be perfect.  Constantly second guessing my creative choices, it took me a year to finish this, sometimes setting it aside, then diving back in to see if I could perfect it.  Today I’m finally calling it done and I’m presenting it here hoping I haven’t completely strangled the emotional life out of it.

Some of the initial criteria:  It was designed as a large piece, three feet square, so it needed to be extremely detailed.  It had to match the modern aesthetic of our new kitchen. Colors needed to be white and gray with a blue accent.  It needed to be bright, not the dark moody work I usually gravitate towards.  I wanted two characters – an android and a cyborg – in love yet troubled, going through the same ups and downs we all do.  …And it needed to be good.  That was the most important criteria.  It needed to be good.

Cyborg loves Robot test render 14 ccThis is an in-progress test render from early on.  As you can see the original composition was wider.  The plan was to have the android’s right arm on her waist and she would be gently touching his metal fingers.

Cyborg loves Robot test render 15 ccWhat to wear and what hair?  I obsessed over endless choices.

Cyborg loves Robot test render 23 misumi skin ccI tried many skin textures for the girl.  I wanted to get the softness just right so it would contrast nicely with the hard metal of the android.

Cyborg loves Robot test render 26 lyflannery skin ccMaybe she should be an alien?  Blue is the accent color so it makes sense.  OK, maybe it’s too dark…

Cyborg loves Robot test render 39 ccAngry robot face changed to gentle face.  I needed to get some humanity in this android.

Cyborg loves Robot test render 46 fitness 50I eventually decided the girl needed bare shoulders to clearly see the cybernetic arm connection.  I wanted it to be clear that she was human and only her arm was mechanical.  This is also the reason I decided to ditch the idea of “space girl” type clothing which tends to be aggressive and hard.  She needed to be soft, the soft spot between the hard metal of her arm and the android.

Is Electronic Love to Blame 12 04 cam 05 ccI finally decided to go with this “cold shoulder” dress.  When I was working to make it blue, I changed the original cloth to a knit fabric because my wife CAT is a knitter.  That just made sense to me.

Is Electronic Love to Blame 14 00Eventually I realized that I had set the camera too far away, and moved in closer.  This always happens.  It’s always better after I move in.  It’s just part of my process I guess.

Adjusting for the new composition, I tried moving the robots right hand up to her shoulder.  It ended up too creepy though.  Trying to get the sharp metal fingers to show some sensitivity was proving difficult.  It also fouled up the clean skin / machine connection I wanted for her cybernetic arm.  I eventually moved the android’s right hand behind her back out of sight and concentrated on getting the left hand in the correct position.  It took me three tries to get the left arm to look relaxed and gentle.

Cyborg loves Robot BTS skin and machineI also spent a tremendous amount of time trying to get the android fingers positioned just right so that they didn’t look like they were gouging the girl’s arm, yet at the same time, catching the light in a nice way.  Skin against machine was becoming a major theme apparently.  Same with the cybernetic fingers and her lips.  I actually moved the camera and lengthened the girl’s neck at one point so you could see more of her mouth.

Is Electronic Love to Blame 23 00 cam 17 lower arms and neck movedThen, of course I second guessed myself and pulled the shot back to re-visit the original concept of the hand around the waist.  Worked on that for awhile but thankfully came to my senses.  Maybe I’ll revisit this wider shot if I do a different version with a vertical aspect ratio.

Cyborg loves Robot BTS camera setup 03I only needed three lights to illuminate the scene.  A key from the front doing most of the work.  A hair light from the top that was also doubling as a fill light.  And a spot on the gray background plane.  I created another tiny plane just out of frame above the android to cut down the reflection on his white bald head.

Cyborg loves Robot BTS renderingThe final Iray render took about two hours at 10800 x 10800 resolution.  I was surprised.  That’s very fast.  I’ve had renders at this resolution go ten hours or more.  I’m guessing the plain background and the overall brightness of the scene helped.

Cyborg loves Robot BTS robot cuColor correcting in Lightroom I tried to bring out the hardness of the machine and the softness of the skin.

Cyborg loves Robot BTS eye cc 04 finalI lightened up the girl’s eyes and obsessed over everything for quite some time.  Overall I brightened everything up and made it punch as much as possible.

Is Electronic Love to Blame 33 06 normal map 1.0While color correcting I noticed a bizarre reflection coming off one of the poorly formed low-rez “screws” on the cybernetic arm.  It had something to do with the normal map which wasn’t doing much on this surface.  The screws were created with the displacement map.  Not sure what was going on.

Cyborg loves Robot BTS screw reflection fixAnyway, I couldn’t figure out how to fix it in DAZ Studio without changing the character of the rest of the arm surface so I just used the spot remover in lightroom.

Is Electronic Love to Blame?So what do you think?  Did I over think it and create something stilted?  Or did I continually refine it and make it great?  I can’t tell anymore.

Next step: print it and see what it looks like on the wall…

Created in DAZ Studio 4.12
Rendered with Iray
Color Correction in Lightroom



DespairAfter George Floyd was killed and a week of protesting around the world, this was how I felt. I created a TikTok video where the camera cranes down from a fire escape and eventually tilts up on this character.  You can see the video here: Despair on TikTok

After a bit of re-adjusting in DAZ Studio I came up with this high rez still version of the final frame.  I rendered it at 10000 x 7500 pixels so I could print it out big and hang it on the wall.

Shadow areas take a long time to render in Iray, especially if the canvas is large.  With two Titan RTX graphic cards continuously screaming at 79 degrees Celsius, this image took fourteen hours to render.  Not the longest render I’ve ever done (that would be 48 hours) but still a good exercise for my new computer workstation.

0050 despair BTS daz render2Color correction in lightroom was relatively simple, essentially just brightening up everything so it pops and so all the shadow areas don’t print out too dark.

0050 despair BTS lightroomCreated in DAZ Studio 4.12
Rendered with Iray
Color Correction in Lightroom

Alien in the Elevator

Alien in the ElevatorWhat is outside the door when it opens?  This is the question I ask myself everyday now.  Some alien organism hitchhiking on a friend?  Wear a mask!

For this piece I went back to one of my TikTok animations, set up another camera with a square aspect ratio, and exported a high rez still.

0040 alien in the elevator BTS 00 lightroomThe color correction in lightroom made it pop quite nicely.

Created in DAZ Studio 4.12
Rendered with Iray
Color Correction in Lightroom

1st Tesla Model 3 Road Trip!! – Where’s the Juice?

Our first long trip with our new Tesla Model 3 (December 2018) We try auto pilot and juice up with a super-charger for the first time! It’s an electric motoring adventure!!  We visit The Roscoe Diner in Roscoe, NY (The Roscoe charging station was finished in February 2019.) …and The Spot Diner in Binghamton NY.

update:  100,000 views in 90 days on YouTube!  Not bad.  Lots of comments on the video though.  Here are answers to some of the most common questions:

The car is dual motor (AWD) with the extend range battery, auto pilot, and 19 inch wheels.

We stopped in Binghamton twice to charge up. It took about twenty minutes each time. The first time was when the battery was lower the cost was $8.64. The second time on the way back it was $3.60. (When your battery is relatively full the charging goes much slower.) You don’t need a credit card. The charger recognizes your car and bills your Tesla account directly. The price shows up on the screen inside the car. 6:47

We were following the Roscoe super charger construction for a long time. The only information on the Tesla page for completion was “forth quarter 2018.” Since it was the end of the year and we were stopping anyway we gave it a shot.

The video was mostly shot with a sony a6000 with a sony ecm-xyst1m mic on top. Some of it was shot with a GoPro when the sony batteries died.