Tag Archives: AI

Light Speed

I’m very pleased with this one.  It reminds me of a whip pan.  I’m wondering if there is a way to synthesize a whip pan video with AI?  I’ll have to look into this.  I bet you could make all kinds of cool stuff.  We need to get back to whip pans as transitions…

Originally this image was vertical.

It looked great that way but just as I was finishing color correcting I tried it horizontal and liked it even better!  Now I guess I have two versions.  I’m probably going to print this one and, well, I guess I could hang it on the wall any which way I wanted!

#Art I made with #Midjourney #AI

Synthetic Happiness

I was looking back at all the images I rendered with Midjourney over the last year and a half.  There’s some good stuff in there that got overlooked.  I actually rendered this last year (2022) with Midjourney version 3.

I could have opted to crop this square and make it all about the figure, but that is so boring and just like every other image on the internet.  This composition reminds me of art you would see on a gatefold vinyl LP double album from back in the day, with the front cover on the right and the back on the left, and the art continuously wrapping around.

#Art I made with #Midjourney V3 #AI


The Horror

I finished two versions of this piece because I wasn’t sure which one was better.  This is the closer version:

The closer version would probably work better on social media, but I really like the wider version a lot better, especially since I’m trying to design my artwork to be printed big (poster size and larger.)

Part of me resents feeling like I have to constantly cater to people looking at stuff on the internet aka on their phones.  It really messes with my head when I’m trying to make creative decisions.  I think I have to actively resist the temptation to reduce everything to the least common denominator of what will get the most likes when viewed on a small screen.  It’s extremely limiting, not just because of the composition but also the subject matter.  What will get an immediate reaction so you get the most likes?  Subtly is lost and everything starts to look the same.

Social media really messes with your head.

#Art I made with #Midjourney #AI

Robot Romantic Getaway Goes Wrong

It’s not easy getting the art machine to do what you want. It’s like it has a mind of its own…

I’m trying to create a video with Stable Diffusion and Deforum.  Doing lots of experiments.  It’s becoming more and more clear that storytelling is next to impossible because there are just too many variables with AI art.  The machine is constantly throwing curve balls that derail the story.  The scene above was originally part of a Spaceship Hibernation story line.  It went something like this:

EXT. SPACE spaceship, stars, perhaps a nebula
INT. SHIP Wide shot, pipes, hibernation chambers
CU. Woman sleeping in a hibernation chamber
EXT. EARTH sunset, beautiful, idyllic
EXT. EARTH Woman and Man holding hands
EXT. EARTH sunset, man and woman kissing in love, sunset
EXT. SPACE spaceship flys into the distance

All kinds of things happened.  I couldn’t get the machine to give me a single spaceship in outer space.  At first there was a robot standing on the ground.  I tried a slew of negative prompts but always ended up with a fleet of ships, or planets, or no spaceship.

Also, the girl sleeping in the hibernation chamber always had her eyes opened.  Adjusting the prompt didn’t change this.

So I gave up on the spaceship-hibernation part of it and tried concentrating on the dream in the middle.  Still having trouble, but continuing with the tests.

#Art I made with #StableDiffusion #AI

All of Us 002

The second piece of a new image series that deals with anxiety and confusion.  It’s about all those different voices inside our head that distract us from where we are, and where we’re going.

#Art I made with #Midjourney #AI