Category Archives: makeSciFi

Can AI draw a Red Ring of Light?

Recently I was experimenting with the Midjourney AI art engine.  I saw an image in my mind of a robot backlit by a red ring-light.  I typed it up as a prompt:

An intensely bright thin red ring light in the distance, a woman robot in silhouette, on an abstract shiny metal plate surface, hyper realistic, cinematic, dense atmosphere, intense, dramatic, hyper detailed, –ar 2:1 –v 5

I expected to get something like the image above.  That’s not what happened.  For the next hour I tried to get Midjourney to build something even close to what I envisioned. I typed and re-typed the prompt, changing the way I described the image.  Most of the time I couldn’t even get a red light ring.Midjourney kept trying to make a “sun” with a red sky.  There are round portal structures, some even reflecting red light, but almost none of them light up.  The light’s coming from somewhere else.

What I asked for was simple.  Why is this so hard?

I’m guessing it has to do with the data set the AI was trained on.  I bet there aren’t that many images of red light rings in there, maybe none at all.

One of the things that frustrates me about AI art is the way most things turn out looking generic, like everything you’ve seen a million times before.  This makes sense of course, because that’s how it works.  It studies what everything looks like and then create from that.  It’s almost a creation by consensus.  An unusual Red Ring isn’t part of the equation.  I could probably eventually get to what I wanted if I kept trying and perhaps made the prompts much longer describing every detail.  Maybe.

Or I could do what I did and create what I saw in my mind with CGI.

Has this put me off AI art?  No.  Every tool is good at what it’s good at, and it’s not at what it’s not.  I was looking for the edge of what this new tool could do (because that’s where the art is) and I found it.  There’s nothing really interesting right here but there’s a lot more to discover…

Robotic Romance – A Colossal Story of Forbidden Affection

This is another image where I tried to get something in the style of a 1930s SciFi pulp magazine cover.  It looks like the 30s especially with the orange background, but I think the robot looks more 70s.  I like it anyway…

#Art I made with #Midjourney #AI

We Are the Dreamers of the Dream

Building the Metaverse to match the real world.

I made this CGI image about a year ago when the Metaverse was the shiny new tech thing.  Most people probably won’t get what it’s about so I’ll explain it, even though David Lynch would probably scold me for doing that.

The grey and chrome sphere are tools that special effects artists use to match 3D computer graphics to real world photography.  If you are shooting a film for example, and part of the scene will be CGI, you shoot a few extra feet of the environment with someone holding a grey and chrome sphere.  The chrome sphere reflects the entire environment and that reflected image can be “unwrapped” and placed as a dome over the CGI so the same light and colors shine on the computer generated elements as in the real scene.  (The chrome ball is actually an old fashioned “poor man’s” way of doing this.  There are 360 degree cameras now that can actually just take a picture of the entire environment right on the set.)

The grey sphere shows the quality of light shining on a specific place in the shot.

This image is about building a computer generated Metaverse that people can walk around in, just like real life.  It’s the dream of constructing a Metaverse as well as the Metaverse as a dreamscape… the birth of a new alternate world.

OK, enough of that…

The main difficulty I had in creating this image stems from the fact that the reflection in the chrome ball is actually the real reflection of the CGI environment.  It’s not a composite.  The mountains actually go all the way around the environment.  The grid floor goes out in all directions.  The “planet” and the “sun” seen in the ball are on the HRDI dome over the scene that is creating the ambient light.  The dome had to be lined up so the “planet” reflected in the sphere correctly.  The mountains had to be rotated in such a way that the peaks behind her and the ones in the chrome ball both looked good.  The main light in the scene is the keylight on the character which can be seen in the chrome sphere as a bright rectangle in the upper left of the sphere.  I could have removed that in post but I left it in because that’s the point.

The metaverse was supposed to be the future of everything.  Facebook even changed their name to Meta.  Now AI is the new thing.  Will the metaverse be created?  Will AI create the metaverse for us?  Who knows…

Created in DAZ Studio 4.20
Rendered with Iray
Color Correction in Capture One


It’s been some time since I’ve posted any of my 3D creations.  This is actually something I started several years ago but never finished.  I had trouble with the lighting but it all came together recently when I decided to make it a night invasion.

Created in DAZ Studio 4.21
Rendered with Iray
Color Correction in Capture One

Deus Est Machina

I’m sure many would reject this AI render because the hands are all screwed up.  The machine has a hard time with hands because it’s learning from pictures and it doesn’t really understand what a hand is.  Hands look different depending on what they are holding in the training images so the machine gets confused.

For me the hands praying in this image is the point. I’m fascinated by the way AI can make something so creepy and wrong look relatively normal at first glance. She also has hair coming out of her eyes.  One piece looks like it’s a disconnected continuation of a shadow on her forehead.

Great art happens at the edge of the medium you are working with.  Finding those edges is the true work of the artist.

Whatever you now find weird, ugly, uncomfortable and nasty about a new medium will surely become its signature. CD distortion, the jitteriness of digital video, the crap sound of 8-bit – all of these will be cherished and emulated as soon as they can be avoided. It’s the sound of failure: so much modern art is the sound of things going out of control, of a medium pushing to its limits and breaking apart. The distorted guitar sound is the sound of something too loud for the medium supposed to carry it. The blues singer with the cracked voice is the sound of an emotional cry too powerful for the throat that releases it. The excitement of grainy film, of bleached-out black and white, is the excitement of witnessing events too momentous for the medium assigned to record them. — Brian Eno

#Art I made with #Midjourney #AI